Create Heart Happiness

Create Heart Happiness

   January 13:  Inner critic and how to fight back  It’s early into my 100 Day Project and already a voice in my head says, “Maybe it was too early to start this?  Do you have time to even achieve this right now?  Do you want to pause and ju

January 13: Inner critic and how to fight back

It’s early into my 100 Day Project and already a voice in my head says, “Maybe it was too early to start this? Do you have time to even achieve this right now? Do you want to pause and just try again another time?” Wow inner critic, you are a challenge in itself! We all have this voice in our heads and some days it wins over us. Since we can’t get rid of that voice, here are some ways you can fight back!

  1. Trust the plan. However you came up with your project/idea, that was the ROCKSTAR in you! TRUST that version of you. My inner rockstar artist loves to plan with lists & checkboxes (that I absolutely love using) of how to get from A to Z. When doubt enters my mind I look at that plan and say, “every little step forward” is better than yesterday. So make a plan. Trust the plan.

  2. Remember the WHYs. The reason we choose this path IS our motivation. Put up those reasons in cool font in your space to remind you of those WHYS. Use a vision board to help visualize the end goal to keep you focused. I like to write in my journal and harness my purpose - basically to pep talk me back into gear. Stay in the game.

  3. Remember the WHOs. You. Me. And if you’re like me, my kids. I do this for the artist in me that took a back seat while life was taking over. I do this because I’m learning that helping others is important to me. I do this to role model for my kids that dreams can come true, that doing what you love does take work, and on those low days, be kind to yourself. You deserve this!

You can’t get rid of the inner critic but you can fight back. Being creative takes energy and that can leave us tired. It’s on those low days that opens a giant door for our inner critic to enter. Try the list above to silence that voice and help jumpstart yourself back on course. Don’t forget: You are worth it! :)

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